Board Evaluation

Progressive administrations are aware that self-assessment is a necessary process that enables continuous development and recovery. The external environment is constantly changing and the administrative body must be prepared to change with it.

The purpose of administrative diagnostics is to identify in what ways an administration can improve and move up to the next qualitative level of work. It can bring feedback to the members of the administrative body about their functioning and, consequently, the adoption of measures that would lead to more efficient performance.


What do you get with Board Evaluation?


• self-reflection of the individual
• uncovering of the potential of the members of an administrative body
• the correct composition of an administrative body
• the value of an administrative body, its strengths and weaknesses
• the dynamics of the work of an administrative body
• how to focus on important topics
• means of communication and the structure of information flow
• interaction within a Board of Directors /


Progressive corporate administrations use structured and formally well-prepared interviews conducted by a professional third party. The results are presented to the chairman of the administrative body or to an authorized member of the administrative body or to the chairman of the board of directors (nomination committee, etc.). This method is considered to be one of the most efficient.


Do you have a question? 
Contact us at  or call +420 602 155 105